Archive for March 28th, 2010

“What I did with my Spring Break”

Sunday, March 28th, 2010

I lack originality, but there is no reason to throw away $5.

So … Let’s review. I theoretically was planning to:

  • Do research for my 21H.102 paper: partial check. I watched the documentary and read about half the book I was hoping to read
  • Read that book on rails: no.
  • Sleep: meh? I did … but probably not enough and my sleep schedule is kinda fucked now
  • Watch 30 Rock: totally did that. I am now up to Season 4, Episode 9, meaning I’m only a couple hours behind what’s been broadcast. This is more sad than an accomplishment.

Some other things I did include:

  • As I mentioned last week, did some packaging of meals for Haiti disaster relief.
  • As I also mentioned last week, watched too much (i.e. any) C-SPAN during the healthcare debate
  • Put an old personal project up on Github for the hell of it. It’s amusing to see how I programmed as a 16 year old. … I’ve written better software, I swear.
  • Read the first 4 chapters of Real World Hakell
  • Got some more internship applications out … with no results
  • Almost went on a date but then it got cancelled
  • Did a lot of thinking about who I am, what I want out of life, etc. … without reaching many conclusions.
  • May or may not managed to have picked up some sickness somewhere… not feeling so great.

Overall, not so productive a break. I’m not particularly happy that it’s over. Oh well, can’t do anything but move forward.

